Amazon's Project Kuiper Successfully Completes Orbital Tests for Satellite Network

Amazon's Project Kuiper satellite network has successfully completed orbital tests, achieving a 100% success rate and validating its satellite design for mass production.

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  • Key Points:

    • Project Kuiper's prototype satellites, KuiperSat 1 and 2, achieved a 100% success rate in orbital tests.

    • The tests validated Amazon's satellite design and will open the way for mass production.

    • Amazon plans to produce up to four satellites per day at its Kirkland factory.

Amazon's Project Kuiper satellite network has successfully completed a monthlong series of orbital tests, demonstrating a 100% success rate and validating the satellite design. This paves the way for mass production to begin at a factory in Kirkland, Wash., with Amazon aiming to produce up to four satellites per day for its low Earth orbit constellation.

During the tests, the two prototype satellites, KuiperSat 1 and 2, streamed video and facilitated online sales, validating Amazon's satellite design and the end-to-end network functionality. The performance of the prototype satellites confirmed that Project Kuiper's hardware, software, and ground-based infrastructure are on the right track.

The successful completion of the orbital tests marks a significant milestone for Project Kuiper, which aims to provide affordable broadband internet access from above for tens of millions of underserved people worldwide. With half of the required satellites to be in orbit by mid-2026, Amazon plans to ramp up production and launch additional satellites for beta testing by the second half of 2024.

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